Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja anggota Direktorat Akademik Kepolisian Semarang melalui perilaku etis anggota. Jenis penelitian adalah confirmatory research. Populasi penelitian ini 870 anggota dengan jumlah sampel 15% dari total populasi yakni 130 anggota. Namun demikian, sampel yang kembali dan bisa diolah sebanyak 104 responden. Sumber data yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, kuesioner, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Regresi Linier Berganda. Deskriptif data menunjukkan 94,04% anggota menanggapi setuju dan sangat setuju mengenai perilaku etis anggota, dan sisanya 5,96% menanggapi sebaliknya. Tanggapan mengenai kinerja anggota sebanyak 83,26% menjawab setuju dan sangat setuju, sedangkan sisanya 16,74% menjawab sebaliknya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan perilaku etis anggota berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja anggota, semakin baik perilaku etis anggota maka semakin tinggi kinerjanya. Implikasi kebijakan dari penelitian ini adalah anggota dari Direktorat Akademik Kepolisian Semarang diharapkan mampu mendahulukan kepentingan umum daripada kepentingan pribadi, melaksanakan tugas dengan baik, melaksanakan tanggung jawab pokok dengan benar, membuat rencana kerja sebelum bekerja, dan mempersiapkan tugas sebelum memulai kegiatan.Kata kunci : Perilaku Etis, Kinerja Anggota, Direktorat Akpol Semarang AbstractThis study aims to analyze the performance of members of the Academic Directorate of Police in Semarang through ethical behavior of members. This type of research is confirmatory research. The study population is 870 members with a sample of 15% of the total population of the 130 members. However, the samples are returned and can be processed as many as 104 respondents. Sources of data are primary and secondary data. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, and literature study. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Descriptive data showed 94.04% of members responding to agree and strongly agree about the ethical behavior of members, and the remaining 5.96% respond otherwise. Feedback on the performance of members as much as 83.26% answered agree and strongly agree, while the remaining 16.74% answered otherwise. The analysis showed a positive effect of ethical behavior and significant members of the performance of members, the better the ethical behavior of members of the higher performance. The policy implication of this study is a member of the Academic Directorate Semarang Police are expected to put the interests of public rather than private interests, perform well, carry out basic responsibilities properly, create a work plan before work, and prepare for the task before starting the activity.Keywords: Ethical Conduct, Member Performance Directorate of the Police Academy in Semarang
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